40% Off Club 669 & Big Flames and Small, and Re-Release News!

We are only days away from June, and I’m shocked! As always, the year has gotten away from me. Still, there is a lot of news on the writing front, and for once, I don’t want to let the opportunity to let you know slip by.


I have a few titles that have finally been re-released! All with shiny new covers!

Originally released as part of an anthology benefiting the Trevor Project , Shiny Things has now been incorporated into my Short North Series. Both because it takes place in the Short North district of my hometown, and because it features brief glimpses of Elijah and Jacob from Watching Elijah Fall.

I’m also excited to say that my Cold Fingers Series is available once again! If you enjoy old-school paranormal, or like your romance to straddle that angsty/dark line, with a little humor thrown it, Cold Fingers might just be the series for you!

These titles are available at most online retailers. You can click any image below to check them out.

I’m thrilled to announce that I have gone into a Publishing Partnership with JMS Books for my self-published book Club 669. What does that mean? Well, it will allow me to reach the Asia market with this title, a market that I can’t easily reach on my own. It also mean that, along with Amazon, Kobo and a lot of other online retailers, Club 669 will be available on the JMS Books website so that readers can take advantage of JMS Books’ awesome sales!

Such as…

This Memorial Day Weekend—now through Monday, May 31st—JMS Books is offering 40% off! So if you haven’t picked up Club 669 or my JMS release Big Flames and Small, this weekend is the perfect time to get them up cheap!

I am also well on my way to wrapping it up the first draft on the follow-up to Club 669, with my editor expecting it in mid-June, and tentative plan for release in July. But you never know what obstacles life will through at you—the last fourteen months have taught us that—and not wanting to jinx myself, I’ll leave that for another day.

But when we do get a little closer—like, say… I have a blurb—we’ll talk more. Until then, enjoy your weekend, stay safe and read something fun!