Shiny Things is now available as an individual eBook!!
While every published work is the result of a whole team of people—beta readers, editors, proof reader—it is still a very personal thing. And it's exciting to see a story that you dreamed up and worked to weave together, finally out there for anyone who wants to read it.
It's also a little scary.
But no matter what reviewers think, Shiny Things is still going to hold a special place in my hearts.
While I adore both my main characters in this story, one in particular is a bit of a favorite. The character of Vincent is loosely based on my tenth-grade biology desk partner and the first openly gay boy I had ever met. He was a lovely person, but a shit assignment partner. We would spent most of class either whispering about my drawing and photography classes or he would be swooning over the gay romance flick he had watch at one of local art house theaters.
We refused to dissect things together—taking C's on the assignments seemed like a fair trade when it meant not having to use a scalpel on some poor dead thing on our desk—and if memory serves, both managed to pull a B in the end.
It was a miracle we did so well! I like to chalk it up to us both being exceedingly clever.
So, if you find yourself reading my dedication and wondering Who's Patrick?, now you know!
Shiny Things is available directly from Beaten Track Publishing HERE, Amazon HERE, Amazon UK HERE and Smashwords HERE.
It is also available as part of Boughs of Evergreen: A Holiday Anthology Volume One or the Combined addition which can be purchase through the publisher HERE, Amazon HERE and Amazon UK HERE.