Happy Pride! I hope everyone’s month is going well. Next week is Pride weekend here, and in a few days more than 700,000 people will pack the streets of downtown. It is always an amazing event!
The last few months for me have been all about catching up. Toward the end of writing The Death of Digby Catch and just as things started to really get busy at work—I am a partner in a marketing and design firm—I got sick. I almost didn’t make my deadline, and even considered pulling out of the project altogether. And honestly, it’s been like drowning ever since.
On a positive note, I am currently wrapping up an angsty, magical novella that I’m really excited about. It will be a one day Christmas freebie through JMS Books in December, before it hits other online stores. So, keep an eye on your email, and when we are closer to release, I’ll give you all the details so you can grab it for free.
But today, we have a quick cover reveal!
First off, it’s important to understand that I’m like the Oscar the Grouch of garbage horror movies. Or maybe it’s not. But it doesn’t change the fact that I LOVE them! Written to celebrate the twelfth anniversary of JMS Books in July, The Twelve Coffins of Dr. Coffin is about just that. Someone trying to make something good that, well,…isn’t. And isn’t going to be.
I enjoy Hollywood history, so this one is a little Val Lewton, and a little Vincent Price, and a whole lot of cheap movie. And, to make myself happy, it includes Lee Hellstrom the old horror actor from my Cold Fingers series. Which, to date, is still maybe my favorite of everything I’ve written—Christopher and Vic are certainly my favorite couple—and I will eventually finish book 4.
So much to write, so little time.
Oh, and maybe it’s because the coffin on the cover gives me Edward Gorey vibes—I ♥ Edward Gorey—The Twelve Coffins of Dr. Coffin cover just brings me joy. :D
The Twelve Coffins of Dr. Coffin
When Leo Wayland accepts a job as head of the new horror unit at Maiden Studios, he knows what is expected. Make cheap movies that earn their money back fast. It doesn't matter that he dislikes horror. He just needs to escape his assistant director's position at a rival studio.
But he didn't expect to be assigned a terrible title and a leading man, all before he even had a script, or that his leading man would be Everett Reid, the actor who rejected a very young Leo’s advances, only to disappear from movies altogether a few years later in a cloud of scandal.
Everett Reid will do anything for a chance to get back the career he lost and away from teaching at a theater camp for children. And if it means working with Leo Wayland again, he can do that too. Especially now that Leo is all grown up and not so untouchable.
With only three weeks, a flamboyant stage actor, twelve scantily clad women, and a sound stage full of coffins may not seem like the makings of something great. But really, that all depends on what you are hoping for.
The Twelve Coffins of Dr. Coffin is available for pre-order on the publisher’s website, and is out July 30th.
You can check out an excerpt on JMS Books HERE!